I woke and I saw that life is all serve.
I served and I saw that service is joy.
~Khalil Gibran
In this age and world of technology, we are losing the art of connecting with other people. And yet, we feel the greatest joy when we connect with others. We feel more positive emotions when we are with other people, and we are ultimately happier. So how do we connect with others?
"You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested
in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people
interested in you." ~Dale Carnegie
As we reach out to others, we increase our own happiness! How do we do that? Here are some ideas that have worked for me; I would love for you to comment below and share some of your own ideas!
~I know of no better way to overcome loneliness and connect with others than through kindness and service. I have found in my life that I could always find someone who was lonelier than me, and when I reached out to them my own loneliness magically vanished! It can even be something as small as giving up the parking space to another person or sharing a smile with a stranger!
"Life is like a game of tennis. The player who serves well seldom loses."
~Author Unknown
~Learn people's names, and call them by their name. Acknowledge others and greet them by name. Did you know that people are most influenced by those they trust, admire and believe care for them? Acknowledging and greeting people by name is one way that we show people that we care for them.
~Make eye contact with people when you are talking with them, and show interest in what they are saying. I'm sure we've all experienced the person who is looking at their watch while they are talking to us -- or they are looking around the room for someone "better" to talk to. When you are talking to someone, be present and take an interest in them!
~Choose the right friends... Sometimes friendships break down because they aren't built on a firm foundation. When you find friends who like you and help you become better when you are at your worst, you have found a treasure greater than gold! Seek friendships built on common interests and values. True friendship is when two people mutually care about each other and serve each other and give to each other.
"Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want
is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down."
~Oprah Winfrey
~Be a light, not a judge. I read that in a Stephen Covey book years ago and it has always stuck with me! We are too quick to judge others. Think of who has influenced you the most -- the person who lives the life you want to live and always talks to you in a positive way and helps you believe you can achieve anything OR the person who is constantly judging you and making you feel bad for your faults and shortcomings... Be that person who sees the best in others and lifts them up! This may take some practicing, but with time you can become that person!
When we moved to Houston 8 months ago, I was really nervous about leaving my friends behind. I was afraid of what others would think of me. I decided that what others think of me was out of my control, but that I could control what I thought about every person I met. So I decided that I was going to like everyone I met! This is a journal entry I wrote shortly before moving:
"I'm going to like you and I hope you like me because I would really like to
be friends -- but if you don't want to like me, I will honor that AND I will
still like you!"
When I decided that liking other people was not going to be dependent on what they thought of me (which I have no control over), magic started happening! I quickly and easily made some amazing friends in my new city!
What are some things that have worked for you when making new friends -- or strengthening the friendships you already have?
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